T19 / NC-2

Biodiversity, organismic and genetic resources

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Czech Republic
  • Europe
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom



Czech Republic

Lukas Kacena
xylukas.kacena@tacr.czhttps://www.tacr.cz/index.php/en/yespossiblynoTechnology Agency of the Czech Republic, section for management of research



Nessling Foundation
Research Director Minttu Jaakkolaminttu.jaakkola@nessling.fihttp://www.nessling.fi/?lang=enyespossiblynoNessling Foundation supports scientific research and communication solving environmental challenges. The total sum granted annually is about 3 million EUR. In addition to general calls in every autumn, Nessling Foundation has opened four special calls during the past 10 years to react the current research needs in environmental protection. Focus is on finding solutions to problems that have high societal relevance. Foundation emphasizes impactful research and researchers’ interaction capacity. Nessling Foundation participates in co-funding in Post Docs in Companies (PoDoCo) project with other foundations. Co-funding is also possible in thematic special calls.
Significance of soil biodiversitypossiblyantti.rehunen@ymparisto.fi
Nessling Foundation
Research Director Minttu Jaakkolaminttu.jaakkola@nessling.fihttp://www.nessling.fi/?lang=enyespossiblynoNessling Foundation supports scientific research and communication solving environmental challenges. The total sum granted annually is about 3 million EUR. In addition to general calls in every autumn, Nessling Foundation has opened four special calls during the past 10 years to react the current research needs in environmental protection. Focus is on finding solutions to problems that have high societal relevance. Foundation emphasizes impactful research and researchers’ interaction capacity. Nessling Foundation participates in co-funding in Post Docs in Companies (PoDoCo) project with other foundations. Co-funding is also possible in thematic special calls.
Significance of soil biodiversitypossiblyantti.rehunen@ymparisto.fi
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Jaana KaipainenJaana.Kaipainen@mmm.fihttp://mmm.fi/en/frontpageyespossiblyyesAt the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the core task of research and development activities is to proactively produce knowledge, expertise and innovations to support decision-making, promote the competitiveness of economic activities and ensure the sustainable use of renewable natural resources. The Ministry’s research and development appropriation is used, in particular, to fund research, development and study projects that support planning, foresight, monitoring and impact assessment activities concerning policy measures and legislation. The Development Fund for Agriculture and Forestry (Makera) grants R&D funding for research activities that benefit the agri-food sector across a broad front. The main focus is on research concerning the sustainable development of the profitability and competitiveness of livelihoods. Makera also provides funding for research on reindeer husbandry, natural means of livelihood and development activities in the Skolt Sámi area and rural research and development projects.
Significance of biodiversity in soil processes and biologypossiblyantti.rehunen@ymparisto.fi


Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Marion BARDYmarion.bardy@agriculture.gouv.frhttp://www,agriculture.gouv.frunknownyesyesHow to manage the multifunctionality of agricultural soils, also takes into account in the decision making - transverse to several themes. What means of action / levers for actors managing agricultural ecosystems
CASDAR funding build indicators of apprehension of soil management for farmers understand the role of soil biodiversity yes, already funded, currently fundingmc.dictor@brgm.fr



Regione Emilia Romagna
Nicola Dall'Olionicola.dallolio@regione.emilia-romagna.itwww.regione.emilia-romagna.ityespossiblyyesRegione Emilia Romagna is interested in co-funding and being a partner of H2020 projects and other UE funding programme
Prserve agricultural biodiversity both as varieties of animals and plants and in soil. Currently funding by RDP 2014-2020currently fundingmatteo.tabasso@siti.polito.it
Edoardo Staculestacul@invitalia.itwww.invitalia.ityesyesyesAs expected outcome I hope to join a transnational critical mass to develop applied research foscused on the selected relevant items.
Funding from the Special Commissioner (Legislative Decree 185/15)possibly, currently fundingmatteo.tabasso@siti.polito.it


implementation programme soil and subsurface
Leo Hamerlinck (via Linda Maring)linda.maring@deltares.nlhttps://www.bodemplus.nl/onderwerpen/bodem-ondergrond/bodemconvenant/thema/kennis/uitvragen/uitvraag-2017/aanbestedingsvormen/xxxpossiblypossiblyThis programme has budget untill (10 mln between 2017-2020) for soil and subsurface. They use the Dutch knowledge agenda soil and subsurface (which is the same as the dutch contribution to the INSPIRATION agenda) as leading research questions. They set out different calls (next call is on climate / rural area, nature / infrastructure or energy, max 150 KEUR, 50% cofininancing needed, deadline Nov 29 2017 ) They are open for collaboration in europe. how and on which topics is not specified yest. Probably theyw ant to arrange this via the Knowledge and Innovation Program Soil and Subsurface (also entered in this database)
outside our remitlinda.maring@deltares.nl



Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Maria MaiaMaria.Maia@fct.ptwww.fct.ptPermission for what?yesyes
possibly, already funded, currently fundingtpanago@ualg.pt
Center on Spatial and Organizational Dynamics
Thomas Panagopoulostpanago@ualg.pthttp://cieo.pt/mission.phpyespossiblyyes
outside our remittpanago@ualg.pt
António José Conde Buzio Sampaio Ramos
outside our remittpanago@ualg.pt






The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agrucultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
Elisabet Goranssonelisabet.goransson@formas.sewww.formas.seyespossiblypossiblyMay be a change of Contact person


Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF
c/o Marco Pützmarco.puetz@wsl.chwww.snf.chnonono
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
c/o Marco Pützmarco.puetz@wsl.chwww.bafu.admin.chnonono

United Kingdom

Biodiversiy loss will be halted when the societal benefits of biodiversity and ecosystems is quantified for different areas.

  • For founders
  • For endusers
  • For researchers
  • For citizens
Budget devoted to research on soil biodiversity will contribute to our capacity to maintain stability and resilience of ecosystems, which is essential to maintain life on earth as we know it. This is of particular relevance for climate change resilience, resource depletion, biodiversity loss, agricultural productivity to feed the world, and greening the economy, as captured in the sustainable development goals of the UN.
Knowledge on soil biodiversity will contribute to sustaining different natural habitats as well as man-made landscapes (diversity of ecosystems), future plant breeding (diversity of genes), may reveal new antibiotics (diversity of organisms), and enhance ecosystem stability (diversity of functions).
Researching biodiversity with the objective to express its natural capital challenges biologists and nature conservationists to ... Nature conservation and the halt of biodiversity loss in the context of natural capital are not goals in themselves but means to achieve sustainability.
Citizens will benefit from research on biodiversity, since it will provide insights into the relevance of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity for human well-being and sustainable development.

Soil is a habitat for flora, fauna and microorganisms. Soils contain the majority of all biomass on earth. Biodiversity is essential for the stability and resilience of ecosystems and their services. Diversity is important with respect to ecosystems (different habitats), organisms, genes, and functions (substitution of functions which enhances stability of the ecosystem).

Soil is the major habitat for organisms (flora and fauna as well as microorganisms). A broad diversity is essential for the stability and resilience of an ecosystem. This is particularly important with regard to climatic extremes which may put a soil under pressure. The so-called “carrying capacity” is linked to diversity. The diversity is important on different levels: (i) Diversity of ecosystems, i.e. different habitats, (ii) diversity of organisms, (iii) diversity of genes (from an agricultural point of view important for future plant breeding), (iv) diversity of functions (e,g, functions can substitute each other which enhances the stability of the ecosystem.

Activities: knowledge transfer, knowledge creation, demonstration, training and education, survey and monitoring, networking

Goals: No poverty, Zero hunger, Good health Quality, Education, Clean water & sanitation, Affodable and clean energy, Industry innovation and infrastructure, Reduced inequalities, Sustainable cities and communities, Responsible consumption, Climate action, Life below water, Life on land, Partnership for the goals

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